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Sale price$960.00 USD
our bond will...silencethesea

silencethesea captures the intimacy of the lover's gaze: soundless, eternal, profound.




TOP White truffle, Lime, Angelica
HEART Elemi resin, Frankincense, Narcissus, Jasmine, Leather mimosa
BASE Ambergris infusion, Oud, Hyraceum
silencethesea parfum
silencethesea parfum Sale price$960.00 USD

Provocative Fragrance

Strangelove is a New York based niche fragrance brand founded in 2013 by Elizabeth Gaynes that has developed a loyal following through its provocative and daring use of natural ingredients blended with pure oud. Strangelove perfumes provoke the senses and awaken emotions; their special alchemy producing an alluring and deeply personal effect.

strangelove & oud
underground love

strangelove & oud

Oud is at the heart of all of strangelove’s perfumes.A rare aromatic wood resin, oud is harvested from agarwood of the aquilaria tree, a fast-growing evergreen tree found primarily in Southeast Asia. Agarwood is among the most expensive timbers in the world.

underground love

More than being olfactory pleasing, the niche fragrances are designed to provoke a physical reaction, for both the wearer and those that smell them. Ingredients are chosen for their historical qualities of note, with wearers of the brand commenting on how highly addictive strangelove scents are and the incredible effect they have on others.
strangelove & oud underground love

This niche perfumery looks as beautiful as it smells. It's all at once haunting and mysterious, a spritz made for hedonistic nights.

Harper's Bazaar

The brand uses the finest ingredients sustainably sourced from all over the globe—Borneo, Madagascar, Mauritius and India, to name a few—including the rarest natural oils, to create strikingly unique, sensual fragrances that have staying power


Strangelove and the perfume afirewithin designed for people who have overcome adversity. "It reveals our spirit, the inner flame that grows throughout life."

Vogue Italia

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Scent of Poseidon

Poseidon is God of the Seas. If there is such a signature scent for him, perhaps silencethesea is the only appropriate one and I will explain why. This product is not for the faint hearted person, thus only for true connoisseur to experience. It has a very animalic and ultra pungent fishy smell at the initial spray and probably a mistake to categorize this as a fragrance at all. I much prefer it to be called an olfactive wonder just because if one can get past the initial spray, it's when the magic happens. Wearing silencethesea, I am instantly transported to the deepest ocean level where there is almost no sunlight coming through. The visual is so vividly real as if I can feel the enermous pressure and underwater current all over the body. The scent somehow capture the power of the ocean in stillness. Wearing this always make me feel confident and powerful as if all the forces of the ocean are carried with me. Beyond that there is also the feel of calm and serenity deep down.
Smell of the ocean is very abstract to be described yet very distinctive and familiar for us. To be able to translate this universal form so lively and accurately is an amazing work of art. I'm very grateful to have it in my collection. When I wear it, it feeds my mind and soul far beyond smelling sensory only. I wear it when I want to be one with mother nature and feel empowered like Poseidon God himself.

True art in a bottle

The beautiful scent opens with a blast of airy freshness but in seconds it starts to show its character. Soon enough the oud starts appearing but it never dominates everything else. You just feel it is here.

This fragrance is very strong on ambergris, so for some, it might be a little challenging. It is animalic, but not fecal though. The perfume is very complex and so much is going on here. There is a truffle note listed, together with some white flowers. To me, it smells a lot like a chamomille, and it gets a little brightness to the scent. While sniffing the wrist, sometimes I grab some smokiness, so it doesn't let the flowers take the mainline and make the scent too sweet. This perfume also has a little aquatic quality, slightly salty. It helps to keep the freshness in here, and it is so different than any other aquatic fragrances I've ever smelled.

Talking about the performance, the scent is super strong. A couple of sprays are more than enough, and it lasts for hours. But one thing is that it never gets boring. Smelling this perfume is a journey, and every time you can get something different, find something new. This is true art in a bottle.

So realistic, so raw

The scent is full of contrasts:earthy, salty, fresh, dirty, marine-animalic, but also mineral, dry and kind of metallic. So realistic, so raw…The sharp animalic initial blast quite quickly transforms into a fresh ocean mist with a touch of woddy darkness added by the natural oud. The fragrance is in general well defined and smooth, gradually progressing on the aquatic- marine structure.


Just wanted to let you know that we received the product a couple days again and I am IN LOVE with Dead of Night and Silence the Sea. Like dear lord. They are exhilarating and intoxicating fragrances! You've gained a customer for life :)

I have to say it has been quite a long road to choosing this scent in a way

I have to say it has been quite a long road to choosing this scent in a way. As you may recall I was originally attracted by silencethesea as it was so different. I tried it at Harrods. I have always had a really difficult relationship with oud…I had a number of decent oils 15 or so years ago and never really got one I liked and then of course there was the trend for everyone to make oud and I found it such a dominant note that if it was present in a scent it kind of instantly made the perfume smell (to me) unoriginal - everything else in the scent played third fiddle to the oud… for that reason I really did not like it and had honestly never smelled an oud scent that I really liked. For example I went through the entire urban retreat perfume area at Harrods and was given at least 20 oud perfumes and did not change my opinion. I had been trying a few different things and then when I put on your deadofnight the other day randomly I was struck by it and how exotic and well blended and unique the oil was...for me it has been quite a turnaround…if you’d asked me if I’d ever buy an agarwood-dominant perfume a year ago, I would have said no.